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Book Details

The Crab

64.3% complete
1 time
See 34
1 - Against the Tide
2 - The Claws that Crush
3 - Defending the Code
4 - The Crab and the Dragon
5 - Form and Function
6 - The Face of Evil
7 - March of the Crab
8 - Strength
9 - The Lady Scorpion
10 - At What Price, War?
11 - Idle Hands
12 - The Call of Karma
13 - Imperial Decree
14 - The Last Straw
15 - The Demon You Know
16 - Prelude to War
17 - The First Wave
18 - The Other Hand
19 - Rumors of Toturi
20 - The Fall of the House of Kakita
21 - The Battle of Beiden Pass
22 - Homeward Bound
23 - he Price
24 - The Final Watch
25 - The Ten-Thousandth Step
26 - Words of Power
27 - The Last Peaceful Season
28 - Assault on Otosan Uchi
29 - Forbidden City
30 - The Emperor's New Skin
31 - One Wrong Step
32 - The Path of Honor
33 - Leap of Faith
34 - Knowledge and Karma
Book Cover
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 Legend of the Five Rings: Clan War*
#5 of 7
Legend of the Five Rings: Clan War*   See series as if on a bookshelf
A fantasy series based in Japan which is also the basis for the Legend of the Five Rings collectible card game as well as the Legend of the Five Rings role-playing game.

1) The Scorpion
2) The Unicorn
3) The Crane
4) The Phoenix
5) The Crab
6) The Dragon
7) The Lion
© 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
For Lisa, who showed me true beauty.
You inspired me with your presence, challenged me
with your absence, and helped me learn again
that a good man working for a good cause
will sometimes do the wrong things.
"The Wall" was all Hida Amaro ever called it.
May contain spoilers
"To make sure no evil comes over the Wall tonight!"
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Synopsis not on file
Extract (may contain spoilers)
The plateau, which moments before had been filled with the sound of battle, was now eerily quiet.  Not a single goblin, skeleton, zombie, or other creature of darkness remained.  Crab samurai milled about uncertain what to do next.  The battle was over, but one enemy remained.  They knew better than to approach it.  The Great Bear had made it clear before the battle began - the oni was his.

Hida Kisada looked at the oni trapped in the swirling sphere of energy summoned by Kuni Yori.  It sat on its haunches, its massive shoulders brushing the top of its prison.  Small bolts of lightning crackled and danced across the sphere.

The oni smiled.  It was a horrid sight.  The muscles of its face, obviously not used to grinning, groaned and popped as they stretched.  The beast seemed unperturbed and comfortable, as if it were in control, as if it wanted to be inside the magical cage, safe from the dangers of the world.  All the while it looked Kisada dead in the eye.

The Great Bear and the oni stared at one another, neither willing to break the silence.  It was a test of character, one with which Kisada was intimately familiar.  It took great concentration and mastery of oneself to lock eyes with a mortal foe and remain as silent as death.  Being the first to speak was tantamount to admitting your opponent had greater force of will.

Yakamo likewise remained silent.  Kisada had taught this tactic to him at a very young age, always staring the boy down until he confessed some transgression.  One of Kisada's proudest moments as a father was the first time Yakamo managed to outstare him.  The matter at hand was soon forgotten, but the lesson never would be.

The wind moaned lightly as it stirred the mist.  Hidden in that mist were the Shadowlands hordes that recently had been fighting to the death on this plateau.  Were they hiding nearby, watching to see the outcome of this titanic test of wills?

"Y-your prison is formed from the elements themselves," said Kuni Yori, unable to wait for this tableau of raw will to play to its conclusion.  He looked more physically shaken than either of the combatants.  "It will last a thousand years."

As one, Kisada and the oni turned and snarled at the shugenja.  The moment had passed.  Neither warrior could truly claim victory.

The oni tried to adopt a casual posture within the sphere.  In the end it only looked more cramped.

"After five hundred years of senseless battle, I tire of our contest.  Perhaps a millennium of rest is just what I need."

"Rest," said Kisada, "is exactly what we intend for you to have - eternal rest!"

"Your life is so short," mused the oni, "and yet you spend it all standing upon that fragile structure with no goal other than killing my people.  Tell me, Hida Kisada, don't you ever tire of a battle that will never have a final victor?"


Added: 12-Jul-2015
Last Updated: 03-Jun-2024


The thought of death held no terror for Kisada.  Novice warriors lost nerve in battle for fear of life and limb.  They came ready to kill, but never considered that they might die.  Overcautious, they often lost their lives, dying because they were not willing to risk themselves completely.
Things are always changing in your world.  Your lives are so short there is no continuity.  Just as soon as one of you begins to accomplish a measurable task, he dies, and the next generation undoes all he worked for.  Or, worse, they ignore the lessons he learned and make the same mistakes over again.  I am not afraid that the world will pass me by while I sit here in this prison your shugenja conjured....  I know that in a thousand years, when this spell finally fades away, you humans will still be making the same mistakes you are today, guarding the same wall and fighting the same feuds.

The Crab
Stan Brown
Yakamo no Oni
Instead you did what the rest did - what humans always do - you believed that your vision was somehow superior to that of your fellows.  You decided that everything would be all right if only people wouild listen to you.  And you acted on that wholly selfish belief.
Some say that the hardest part about living and honorable life is never giving in to temptation.  They are wrong.  The hardest part is picking yourself up afgter you've failed, standing up, and resuming your place on the Wall.


Wizards of the Coast
In my libraryI read this editionOrder from amazon.comHas a cover imageBook Edition Cover
Date Issued:
Cir 01-Jun-2001
Cover Price:
Catalog ID:
1)   18 May 2024 - 25 May 2024
Internal ID:
United States
R K Post  - Cover Artist
The Crab Marches!

The Crab have defended the Emerald Empire against Shadowlands hordes for a millennium and beyond. Nothing will drive them from the Carpenter's Wall.

Nothing but the destruction of the empire itself.

Plague has gripped the land, dangling Rokugan by a thread. The defenders of the empire must now become its saviors by doing the unthinkable:
Joining the enemy.
Book CoverBook Back CoverBook Spine
Notes and Comments:
First Printing: June 2001
First printing based on the number line
US ISBN: 0786918799
Canada: $9.99




 Stan Brown
Birth: 16 Oct 1964 Brooklyn, New York, USA


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  • I try to maintain page numbers for audiobooks even though obviously there aren't any. I do this to keep track of pages read and I try to use the Kindle version page numbers for this.
  • Synopses marked with an asterisk (*) were generated by an AI. There aren't a lot since this is an iffy way to do it - AI seems to make stuff up.
  • When specific publication dates are unknown (ie prefixed with a "Cir"), I try to get the publication date that is closest to the specific printing that I can.
  • When listing chapters, I only list chapters relevant to the story. I will usually leave off Author Notes, Indices, Acknowledgements, etc unless they are relevant to the story or the book is non-fiction.
  • Page numbers on this site are for the end of the main story. I normally do not include appendices, extra material, and other miscellaneous stuff at the end of the book in the page count.

See my goodreads icon goodreads page. I almost never do reviews, but I use this site to catalogue books.
See my librarything icon librarything page. I use this site to catalogue books and it has more details on books than goodreads does.

Presented: 07-Sep-2024 11:46:00

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